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Because to Be in A Pickle is to be in a Difficult Situation

What is narcissism? I didn't know. Life In The Pickle Jar is my story of living with a covert/vulnerable narcissist. Being married to him was like living life in a pickle jar, difficult, chaotic, and on the brink of insanity every day. In public, it looked like he had it all. Family, success, love, and generosity. Behind closed doors and under his mask he was driven by control, power, and money. As a result, I struggled to reconcile the man I believed I married with who he truly was underneath his facade. This is my story of survival, healing, and learning to love myself. 

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Welcome to my blog, a place where I can share candidly about how I unknowingly married and survived a vulnerable/covert narcissist. I invite anyone who has experienced the same to share. If you have trauma to heal, this community is here and is ready with resources. If you are not yet trauma-informed, I pray this provides perspective and education to help you identify when you or a loved one needs help exiting the relationship.

I would rather live in the freedom of truth than be the keeper of his dark secrets. 

Please reach out and engage—I’m happy to hear from you.

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