Narcissistic Definitions
Merriam-Webster defines a Narcissist as someone who is "extremely self-centered with an exaggerated sense of self-importance". This is what I thought I knew. I didn't know there were different varieties. I didn't know there was a spectrum. I didn't know there were other defining traits. I didn't know there was Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). The following definitions are compiled in my own words after reading, listening to, and watching several experts.
Types of Narcissism
Narcissism is not a one-size-fits-all like the quick-find dictionary might lead you to believe. While they all pull their abusive tactics from the same playbook, they filter into the world in different ways. Their life resources (wealthy or not, position of power) shape how they control their victims. The study of narcissism is relatively new to the psychology world. These 6 are widely agreed upon, however, new information is being presented daily as their research continues.
Covert or Vulnerable Narc
They claim this to be the most dangerous narcissist. This group is the Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - one person in public and another behind closed doors. It may literally feel as if you are living with 2 different personas.
Grandiose Narc
This group is often seen as charming and well-liked in their community. A Grandiose Narc tends to have a very high sense of self-esteem. An Adaptive Grandiose crave authority and prestige. A Maladaptive Grandiose believe they are entitled to take advantage of other people, they may become angry when others disagree or set a boundary.
Communal Narc
They see themselves as highly generous and altruistic. They may become outraged at when they witness injustice or see someone being mistreated. They do not apply the same level of scrutiny to their own behavior.
Antagonistic Narc
This group shows a low level of trust for those around them. Everyone and even in social situations are competition. Its common for these people to bring on arguments.
Malignant Narc
This group is malicious and often are paranoid. They often so high levels of aggression and are sadistic.
Seductive Narc
This person showers compliments onto their target. Be mindful, as soon as they get what they came for, they will discard their target and move on to their next. They will speak poorly of their past romantic partners and co-workers.