Narcs use people. It really is that simple. They are incapable of caring for or loving anyone. They don’t love themselves. Narcissism at its core is rooted in insecurities. Narcissists will use family, strangers, kids, and employees for their supply. Narcissists do not care how their narratives, actions, and words affect others. They do not and will not process shame. Instead, they move on and pretend nothing happened. Their victims are left in confusion. Anyone with empathy will try to reason with themselves “They did mean well or love me in the beginning”. No. That’s love bombing.
It's hard to comprehend someone that has such dark intentions. Narcs see a vulnerable spot within you and prey on it. Study it. Weaponize it. And they don’t care how it affects you. You have been discarded. They will move on again without skipping a beat. It’s how they function and operate in daily life. Covert narcissists go undetected by the public eye. Appearing to be generous, kind, compassionate, caring, and a community person. Do not be fooled, it is a mask. They are confident no one in their path of destruction will talk. They steal our voice and our confidence. They gaslight us until we believe we are crazy. They spread a narrative that we are crazy. They rewrite reality and history, they rob the truth from everyone.
That’s all it took in his mind to show how generous he had been to a family with a son with special needs and a lifetime of care. He went around announcing to his employees and plastered it all over social media that he was helping this family. He paraded his marketing team to their house to make a video, he purchased $450 Gucci hats for his team with the number 100 on them. His offering to the family ballooned with his ego and he went from a $500 donation to a gift equivalent to $1.5 million dollars after he sold 100 stores. A store that would cover a lifetime of necessary medical expenses and caretaking. He called it "his campaign" to his employees. He told me "I've written a few checks to help the family". Covertly and morally, this is the exploitation of a child for financial gain.
Once he scripted the narrative (a projection of his affair) that I and his son’s friend had an affair on graduation night (read post Bewildered), he used the same tactics that he used on Jen to say he had proof (empty audio files) (read It's a Pattern). I believe he thought he had me trapped to emotionally and psychologically torture as he pleased. I don’t think he ever thought I would publicly call him out (message the Mom and let her know the Narc would be talking to her son and then tell his brother). I don't think he thought I would dig further for the truth (find this was a repeated narrative). He shifted the blame by saying he just wanted his narrative to stay between us. He repeated that every time he brought it up. Even his flying monkey said, “Well you are the one that took it to the kids' mother”. Yes, I did because I will not ever be the keeper of that covert narcissist's dark and morally bankrupt secrets.
I will never grasp the heinous behavior of exploiting a vulnerable person, especially, a child. I will always seek truth, integrity, and respect. I reached out to the Mother with an offer of truth and closure. To clear my conscience, I needed her to know this was not the first time he had played this narrative out in reality and this was not the first time he brought an innocent family into his dark world. I also needed to know she didn’t stand behind the awful names she called me. The below text was her initial response.
What I didn’t expect was that I would shake like a leaf as she addressed his absolutely disgusting lies. I am still processing the trauma from this situation. The mother didn’t know me, she still doesn’t. She didn’t know the narc for that matter. In May 2022 after the Narc came in on a Monday morning with dark reptilian eyes after being up all night and told me his absurd accusation. I raged in defense. There was nobody home in his ice-cold body. With the narc's son listening, I told him to ask the friend and the narc said he would. I messaged the friend's mother to let her know the Narc would be talking to her son regarding an affair the night of graduation. She was immediately mortified. Her son said it wasn’t him and she believed her son. I found out today the narc had called her to say “My wife sucked your son and I have audio files to prove it”. What in the actual fuck. (I listened to those files and he was beside me narrating the empty feed with dirty sex talk. I took off his new Bose headphones and broke them in two. His brother listened to those same files to confirm there was nothing on them. At the time I needed a witness to tell me I wasn't crazy for not hearing what the narc said he was hearing in radio silence recordings.) As a response to his phone call that day, the mother called me a pedophile. She told me I targeted her 18-year-old son. She asked, "Why would he (the narc) lie about this?". On that day in May 2022, I messaged her after the extremely traumatizing words and said “Leave the door open that you are being manipulated by a master”. A year later (today), after he took down all the social media with the grandiose promise of a store, she acknowledged she didn’t believe him. She said his true colors had shown. He had ghosted her attempts to reach out for clarification.
He used her. He gave her false hopes. He kept her awake at night with concern and worry (her words that were later in the text conversation). He publicly embarrassed her. He exploited her special needs son. He used her older son, his own son's friend. He crafted a campaign to sell more stores by using their family's vulnerable situation. He used me. He used the same dark narrative from a previous relationship. He used nearly the exact same psychological, emotional, and psychosexual abusive tactics within his relationship. He ruined his son's friendship. He did all of this to project his affair that I had caught him in just 3 weeks before. He does not care who he had to use to avoid feeling shame. In true narc form, he then deleted social media posts to rewrite history. He moved on without skipping a beat because, for him, it never happened. The mother said she has zero respect for him and she's disgusted her son ever looked up to him. I say he is morally bankrupt.