Hoovering - is a behavior associated with narcissism as it is a baiting tactic that serves a narcissist's pursuit for attention and control.
The narc called me yesterday. I was not by my phone, I saw this 10 min later and took a triple take. I wasn't even shocked he called, I was hit with disbelief at how textbook of a covert narcissist he is. It's nauseating.

6 months nearly to the day that he went without communicating directly with me. Since March, I've cut contact with all of his flying monkeys. He has no idea where I am or how to control me, so he called. It's inevitable, the Narc is going to keep on Narc'ing.
He couldn't be bothered to call me regarding removing my final things from his house. He couldn't be bothered to call me regarding the storage units in April. Two weeks ago, he couldn't be bothered to call me and tell me he is denying to cover dental insurance through the vague wording of "health insurance" on the pre-nup. I had dental insurance before I met him, while I was married to him, and the pre-nup was to ensure my life wouldn't be interrupted (that was his story leading up to the wedding. Somewhere the optimism in me still believes he knew what he was about to do and in his state of mirroring me, he maybe had integrity). His vague narc wording won in the courts. Health insurance simply means medical. At least I have that. The point is, my attorney pointed out the previous coverage and the narc denied coverage. In all situations his flying monkeys were called to duty. So why did you need me now, narc? What could be so important that you called me?
Not Falling For It
Was there something you needed, Narc? Rhetorical question. Of course, there was something you needed. That's what a narc does. They use people, places, and things, to get what they need.
Did you need a supply, perhaps? A sense of control? Were you looking for an emotional reaction? Maybe to prop up your ego? You got nothing. Since you've last spoken to me, I have become nothing short of a covert narcissist expert. Your games are textbook. You calling me, was not an If, But When statement. I didn't think it would be so soon. Does your new supply know?

People without narc education might believe the best in you and believe you called to apologize. I would have thought that before I knew about narcissism. I know now narcs don't apologize. You called because you were hoping to gain from my existence. You no longer have access to me. I can nearly laugh at how predictable you are. And in another world, I may have picked it up or called back out of curiosity or even optimism for change. In this one, you aren't worth that time or breath.